When it comes to facial rejuvenation and turning back the hands of time, so much attention is paid to the face. While you can achieve great results with surgical and non-surgical treatments on the face, it’s important that you don’t neglect your neck. Saggy skin and loose muscles create what’s known as the “turkey neck” and excess fatty deposits on your neck can distract from your overall youthful appearance. Read on to learn about ways to turn back the hands of time on your neck for complete youthful rejuvenation.
There are a variety of techniques of liposuction to treat your neck. Tiny incisions are made under the chin or behind the ears. A thin tube called a cannula is inserted into the fatty area to break up the fat and sculpt the neck into a more youthful appearance. The fat is sucked out through the cannula.
Endoscopic Surgery
A small incision is placed under the chin to tighten neck muscles. It cannot correct sagging or excess skin.
Neck lift
If you have large amounts of excess skin, a neck lift may be recommended for you. This surgical procedure involves removing excess fat and skin and tightening loose neck skin. The skin is sutured in inconspicuous places for the minimal appearance of scars as you heal to give you a tighter, more youthful appearance.
All three approaches to improving the appearance of your neck are done on an outpatient basis, but recovery varies depending on the technique used. You can expect some swelling and localized pain to occur. You will also have to wear an elastic bandage overnight for two weeks. You can expect a reduction in certain activities depending on the treatment used.
If you are exploring your options for facial rejuvenation, don’t forget the neck and how improvements made there can complement your face and complete your youthful appearance.
To learn whether you are a candidate for neck rejuvenation, call 425-455-2131 today for a consultation.