Neck liposuction is a desirable procedure for those who want to remove excess fat and achieve a more defined neckline. If you are considering this treatment, understanding the recovery process is important. Here’s what you need to know about neck liposuction recovery....
Neck Liposuction and Rejuvenation
Is a Necklift Right for Me?
Your skin paints a picture of your wellness and is usually the first part of your body to show signs of wear and tear. It can hurt self-esteem when your skin doesn’t look vibrant, tight, or healthy. But, a neck lift can provide a much-needed boost and help restore a...
The Basics of Neck Liposuction
One of the most frustrating things about aging is that even if you are thin and live an active lifestyle, your body can still store fat in unexpected places like your neck. If you are at your ideal weight, but you still have a double chin, then you may be wondering...
How to Make Sure Your Neck Doesn’t Look Like a Turkey This Thanksgiving
If you feel like you resemble more of a Thanksgiving turkey than anything else, then it may be time to schedule a consultation with . Here at our office, we provide patients with one procedure, in particular, to help them...