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DCR (Blocked Tear Duct)

What Can I Do About Watery Eyes?

Having watery eyes can be a nuisance. Not understanding the cause behind it can make it more frustrating. Before you reach for the allergy medicine, there may be a hidden culprit behind your leaky-eyed misery. Blocked tear ducts can cause improper eye drainage,...

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How to Recover from a DCR

Having a blocked tear duct can be beyond irritating. Not only can it cause itching, pain, and swelling, but it can also make it, so your eyes are constantly tearing or producing mucus. If you have a blocked tear duct that won’t go away with simple treatments, then...

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Blocked Tear Ducts? How a DCR Can Help

So, you may not want to cry in front of a complete stranger or on a first date with someone, but your tears are there for a reason. Your tears are what naturally keep your eyes lubricated and protected from things such as dirt, dust, germs, and bacteria. However, if...

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