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Belotero Balance®


When we think about aging, we often think of the eyes and the upper third of the face. Crow’s feet, the 11s, and under eye bags can dominate our focus. But the area around the mouth can be equally telling. Declining collagen production, sun damage, and even the effects of laughing and smiling can lead to wrinkles around the mouth, lips, and even the chin.

At Kristin J. Tarbet, MD we use Belotero® to treat the area around the mouth. This hyaluronic acid filler is excellent for nasolabial folds, vertical lip lines, smile lines, and chin wrinkles.

What is Belotero Balance?

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BELOTERO BALANCE® is a FDA approved Dermal Filler that has unique properties that allow it to adapt within the skin for soft and even correction. The versatility of the product makes it strong enough to handle deep treatment areas such as the nasolabial folds, yet soft enough to treat more delicate areas such as vertical lip lines.

Belotero® is one of the lightest dermal fillers on the market. This makes it ideal for addressing lines and wrinkles around the mouth and lips. Belotero® is made from a hyaluronic acid gel. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance in the body that is responsible for hydrating and plumping the skin. It does this by binding with nearby water molecules.

How Does Belotero Work?

As we age, our body produces less and less collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid with every passing year. This decrease leaves our skin prone to wrinkling and developing lines. Lines in the mouth area are a direct result of decreases in these three substances, and from repeated actions such as smiling.

Belotero® is created using the proprietary Cohesive Polydensified Matrix (CPM) process. Rather than simply pushing up a wrinkle, Belotero® blends into the natural structure of your skin. Once injected, the hyaluronic acid binds with water molecules to plump the skin. It is a smooth, flexible gel that gently fills the etched-in lines and wrinkles around your mouth.

What Areas Are Treated with Belotero?

At Kristin J. Tarbet, MD we use Belotero® primarily around the mouth on these areas:

  • Nasolabial folds — You know them as smile or laugh lines. These are the lines that run from your nose to your mouth.
  • Vertical lip lines — Speaking, eating, kissing, and smiling — vertical lines develop from these actions and others. They can become deep enough that lipstick can actually bleed into them.
  • Corner lines — The ongoing pull of gravity, combined with weakening of the facial muscles that control the mouth, can leave the corners of your mouth turned downward. This can give the impression that you’re either sad or angry all the time.
  • Chin wrinkles — The area around the bony protrusion on your chin can develop an upside down smiley face wrinkle as the skin becomes less pliable. When deep enough, chin wrinkles can show themselves at all times.

When will I see results?

Belotero®, like most dermal fillers, delivers instant results. As soon as Belotero® is injected the hyaluronic acid instantly binds with water molecules and fills out wrinkles and creases.

How long will my Belotero Results Last?

Belotero® delivers excellent results for around six months. This can vary by the person, depending on how your body absorbs the filler. Sometimes areas that have a good deal of movement when talking or eating may not last quite as long.

Why is Hyaluronic Acid Necessary for Youthful Looking Skin?

If it weren’t for the beauty industry, you might have never heard of hyaluronic acid. This naturally-occurring substance helps important organs and structures stay lubricated and moisturized. The skin is one of them (as are the eyes and joints). Like collagen and elastin, hyaluronic acid is produced in abundance when we’re young. By around age thirty, production slows down. Not long after that, you may start to notice changes in your skin. Without this natural moisturizer stored and continually renewed, the skin grows dryer and thinner, and less resilient. It gains new lines and wrinkles with every passing year. While you may not hear about it as much as you hear about collagen and elastin, hyaluronic acid is a foundational structure to youthful-looking skin.

Is Belotero® Safe?

Yes! Belotero was first approved by the FDA in 2011. Since that time, hundreds of thousands of treatments have been performed across the country. Before FDA approval, the product had to perform exceedingly well in clinical trials, which it did compared to other dermal fillers on the market. The side effects and risks associated with Belotero are in line with those of other soft tissue fillers. The most common include temporary redness, swelling, and some discomfort.

What if I Don’t Like the Way I Look with Fillers, Can Belotero® be Reversed?

We perform injectable treatments in a conservative manner and only after confirming that we’ve understood what you’ve stated you wish to accomplish. Our goal is for you to love the natural-looking results achieved from your treatment. That said, some people simply don’t like the way they look with dermal fillers. We understand! If you’re unhappy with the way you look with dermal fillers and you’ve chosen Belotero as your ideal product, you can absolutely have the results reversed. Only products made with hyaluronic acid are reversible. We can do this by injecting the treated area with hyaluronidase, an enzyme that breaks down hyaluronic acid within about 24 hours.

Do I Need to Plan Downtime After Getting Belotero Balance®?

You don’t need to plan any time off when you’re ready to get injectable treatments to enhance your appearance. If you do experience side effects like redness and swelling, these should pass very quickly. Many of our patients go right back to work after their appointments. That said, it’s necessary to avoid excess heat and strenuous activities after getting Belotero or other injectables. This needs to continue for the first 24 hours after your treatment. So, if your job is physically demanding, you may want to schedule your appointment before the weekend or your normal days off.

Can Belotero® be Combined with Other Treatments?

Yes! Belotero, like other dermal fillers, is designed to address specific types of lines and creases. It works by plumping the upper layers of your skin and restoring a more youthful appearance by replacing lost volume. In the same way, by increasing tissue volume, Belotero can augment certain parts of the face, such as the lips. Depending on your treatment objectives, your provider might use Belotero in conjunction with other dermal fillers or other injectables, such as BOTOX® or other neuromodulators.

Schedule a Consultation

To schedule an appointment for a Belotero Balance consultation, please call us at 425-455-2131 today to schedule a one-on-one appointment with Dr. Tarbet. Or, fill out the form on our contact page. Our practice looks forward to serving you!

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Call our offices at 425-455-2131 or use our online contact form to schedule your appointment today!