If you are wanting a more youthful, alert appearance to your face and wanting to look less serious or angry-looking, then you may be considering your options for plastic surgery. For many patients, a brow lift helps reduce wrinkles, raise sagging brows and places your eyebrows in a more desired position.
Here is what you should know about this popular plastic surgery.
- A brow lift reduces horizontal wrinkles across the forehead and along the bridge of the nose.
- This plastic surgery also improves the appearance of frown lines, which are also called the “11” lines or vertical lines between the eyebrows.
- A brow lift also raises sagging brows that can hood your upper eyelids, impairing your vision. The eyebrows are placed in a much more alert, youthful position.
- A brow lift can be combined with other procedures and treatments such as eyelid surgery, face lift and skin resurfacing to give you the more youthful appearance you desire.
- Typically, surgery takes 1-3 hours to complete but could be longer if you combine with other procedures.
- Good candidates for a brow lift are in good physical health, nonsmokers and have a positive outlook and realistic goals for surgical outcomes.
- There are two different techniques: the classic brow lift or the endoscopic brow lift. Dr. Kristin Tarbet will choose a technique that would be best for you based on numerous factors, including the thickness, texture and elasticity of skin, your bone structure and overall appearance and position of your eyebrows and eyelids.
- A classic eyebrow lift consists of making one long incision that runs along the hairline, from the top of the head down to the ears. Excess skin and fat will be removed, and remaining skin and muscle repositioned to achieve a more youthful appearance.
- An endoscopic eyebrow lift consists of making 3-5 short incisions in the hairline. A camera is inserted into one of the incisions to visualize the working space. An instrument will be inserted through the other incisions to manipulate the tissue. This procedure requires shorter incisions, which means a shorter recovery time and less scarring.
If you are interested in learning more about brow lift surgery, call 425-455-2131 today.