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Wake up tired-looking eyes with eyelid surgery

Posted on: Oct 15, 2020

Your eyes say a lot about you and are one of the first areas to exhibit the signs of aging. If you’re tired of looking tired-looking, now is the time to look into eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty. There is a surge in demand for cosmetic procedures around the eyes, including eyelid surgery, due to current face-masks mandates. Here’s what you should know about eyelid surgery.

How does eyelid surgery work?

During eyelid surgery, Dr. Kristin Tarbet will remove excess skin, fat and muscle from the areas around the upper eyelids, lower eyelids or both. This surgery addresses fat deposits in the eyelids, loose and sagging upper eyelids that can impair vision, undereye bags, excess skin and sagging in the lower eyelids, and fine wrinkles in the lower eyelids.

Am I a candidate?

If you’re in good overall health and do not smoke, you may be a candidate for surgery. Certain medical conditions, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease or high blood pressure, may prevent you from having surgery. The surgeon will also take into account the health of your eyes and the health of surrounding facial tissue and muscles when consulting with you about this surgery.


There are many aesthetic and functional benefits. By improving the appearance of the eyes, the rest of your face may look younger and refreshed, too. Upper eyelid surgery removes excess skin that droops over the eyes, which can help improve vision. This is called functional blepharoplasty.

Another benefit to eyelid surgery is that the incisions are hidden or minimal. Small incisions in the upper eyelid are made in the natural crease of the eyelid so that the remaining scar can be hidden. For lower eyelid surgery, incisions are made below the lash line to be hidden as well.

Aesthetic and medical benefits

There are aesthetic and functional benefits of eyelid surgery. First, improving the appearance of the eyes can make the rest of the face look younger and refreshed as well. This improves confidence and self-image. Second, eyelid surgery removes excess skin that droops over the eyes, which can improve vision and reduce headaches caused by excess skin.

Eyelid surgery can give you a boost in self-image and confidence and help you achieve a more youthful appearance. Call 425-455-2131 today for a consultation.