You know that there are stages to nearly every part of life. From temper tantrums to nursing homes, life is full of a variety of steps that we have to take to get through it. Similarly, our body goes through different stages of growth and rejuvenation; including our eyelashes. From the growth to the regrowth stage, this article will list the four main stages of eyelash growth and production. Read on to learn more.
Stage 1: Growth
This is the best stage of all because it’s when your eyelashes replenish themselves, get fuller and longer, and really start to magnify your eyes. As you age, however, your eyelashes stop growing as much— leaving you needing the assistance of prescription strength topical gels such as Latisse.
Stage 2: Resting
During this phase, about 10-15% of the hairs remain stable. And although much of your eyelash growth will be at a standstill, the production of new eyelashes will also be stimulated.
Stage 3: Shedding
This is the stage that probably stands out to you the most because it may seem a bit frightening. If you have noticed that you are catching more than a few eyelashes on your cheek every day, don’t worry; you are likely just shedding. Just like with the hair on your head, shedding your eyelashes is completely normal
Step 4: Re-Growth
After your eyelashes have started to shed, new eyelashes will take their place— leaving you with tiny bits of regrowth all across your lash line. Although they are small little stubs at first, this regrowth will soon turn into long, luscious lashes that are worth showing off.
If you have noticed a significant decrease in your eyelash growth, you may want to consider using a prescription like Latisse. By helping increase the length, volume, and overall production of your eyelashes, Latisse is a real lash saver. To learn more about Latisse or any of our other services, contact Dr. Kristin Tarbet today!