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Is PDO Thread Lift For You?

Posted on: Jun 15, 2019

With so many different surgeries and procedures out there, it can be hard to know which one is right for you to choose from. If you have wanted to add a little more contour to your face, get rid of fine lines and wrinkles, or enhance your facial structure overall then you may be the perfect candidate for a PDO thread lift.

What is a PDO Thread Lift?

PDO threads or polydioxanone threads are synthetic, absorbable surgical sutures that are designed to help redefine facial contour and induce collagen production. By strategically placing these threads under the skin, collagen will naturally form around the thread which will help to improve the appearance of the skin temporarily.

What Can a Thread Lift Be Used For?

  • Improve the quality of the skin.
  • Redefine the contour of the face.
  • Reduce roundness.
  • Reduce wrinkles.
  • Lift sagging skin in the cheeks, jowls, and neck.
  • Enhance the volume of the lips.
  • Stimulate collagen production.

How Long Does It Last?

One of the unique benefits of a thread lift is that they can last anywhere between 8-14 months on average. The American Society of Dermatologic Surgery says that these threads are usually safely absorbed within 4 to 6 months and by month 7, the collagen present in the treated area is increased by 100%.

What Is Recovery Like?

The great thing about a PDO Thread Lift is that there isn’t much recovery involved. Typically, you will be able to resume your everyday activities after just a couple of days, but if you are feeling extra tired or sore, then you may want to rest for a few more days.

What Are Results Like?

The best thing about a PDO Thread Lift is the results. Patients who get this procedure done will notice a more youthful complexion, fewer fine lines and wrinkles, tighter skin, and even fuller lips.

The best next step is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Kristin Tarbet. To learn more, contact our Bellevue office today and call 425-455-2131.