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How to Make Sure Your Neck Doesn’t Look Like a Turkey This Thanksgiving

Posted on: Nov 15, 2018

If you feel like you resemble more of a Thanksgiving turkey than anything else, then it may be time to schedule a consultation with Dr. Kristin Tarbet. Here at our office, we provide patients with one procedure, in particular, to help them get rid of fat and excess skin around the neck. Let’s take a closer look at the neck procedures that we offer to help you get rid of your gobble gobble.

Neck Liposuction

As we age, our body tends to store fat in places that we never knew it could including our neck. If you have noticed that you have excess fat in your neck that’s making you look like a turkey, then neck liposuction may be great for you. During this procedure, Dr. Kristin Tarbet will break up the fatty deposits in the neck and then suction them out with a vacuum-like device called a cannula. During your initial consultation,w e will go over the different neck liposuction techniques that we offer to help you decide on the one that’s best suited for you.


In addition to getting rid of fatty deposits in your neck, we may also recommend that you get a surgery to help tighten and lift the skin. Two procedures that we offer in our office to help patients with this problem are a neck lift of endoscopic surgery.

  • Neck Lift: A neck lift is an ideal solution for people who have a lot of excess skin around their neck. During this surgical procedure, the skin is pulled back, excess skin is removed, and the skin is then sutured in inconspicuous places, creating a new tight youthful look.
  • Endoscopic Surgery: Neck muscles are tightened through a small incision placed under the chin.

As you can see, there are a variety of surgical techniques that we can use to help you get rid of excess skin and neck fat. To learn more, schedule an appointment with Dr. Kristin Tarbet at our Bellevue office and contact us 425-455-2131.