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How to Care for Your Skin This Summer

Posted on: Jul 15, 2022

Summer is finally here, meaning you may be spending more time outdoors.

More sun exposure and climbing temperatures increase your risk of skin-related complications. It’s crucial to take care of your skin To avoid issues. But, summer skincare goes beyond putting on sunscreen before you leave home.

A viable skincare routine can keep your skin radiant and healthy all summer.

Misconceptions About Skincare

Most people believe misconceptions about their summer skincare.

Some of those beliefs include:

  • Believing moisturizer provides all-day coverage
  • Thinking sun damage is impossible on cloudy days.
  • You can’t get sunburned while swimming.
  • Believing higher SPF levels means better protection.

Yet, holding on to these beliefs can lead to improper skin care techniques.

Keep Your Skin and Body Hydrated

Hydration is crucial during the summer, including for your skin. Tools you can use are gel-based moisturizers, hyaluronic acid, and hydrating face masks. Some methods supplement your hydration. But drinking plenty of water is a forgotten aspect of skin hydration. Water is essential in helping your body deal with heat and critical to your skincare. Keep this in mind as you look to build your summer skincare routine.

Stay Away From Heavy Makeup

It may be tempting to put on a layer of heavy foundation, but it can cause problems for your skin. Your skin has difficulty breathing when facing heavy makeup, summer heat, and humidity. Do your best to avoid heavy makeup and opt for lighter alternatives.


The extra sweat your body produces in the summer can clog your pores and cause blemishes. But exfoliating your skin clears your pores of dirt and oil trapped in them. Exfoliate at least once per week to keep your pores clear of debris.

Resist the temptation to exfoliate too often. Exfoliating more than twice per week can do more harm than good.

Dress For The Heat

While you may want to reach for your favorite beach outfit, be careful how often you put it on. Wear comfortable clothes that protect your skin from harmful UV rays. Wide-brimmed hats and garments made with UV protection fabrics help protect your skin.

Yes, Use Sunscreen

Although sunscreen isn’t the only way to look out for your skin this summer, it’s still vital. Put on sunscreen often to give your skin an extra layer of protection. A consistent skincare routine makes the difference in having great-looking skin.

If you need help with a skincare plan, call our office at 425-455-2131 to schedule a consultation.