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Chronic Eye Spasms? Understanding Blepharospasm

Posted on: Nov 30, 2017

Getting an eye twitch after you’ve been up all night with a newborn, sick kids, working, or anything else is normal. However, having frequent, abnormal eye twitches may be the result of a condition called blepharospasm. Caused by an abnormal function of the basal ganglion which is the part of the brain caused for controlling muscles, it is still uncertain what the cause of this condition is although according to The National Eye Institute, hereditary may play a role.

One of the most surprising parts about blepharospasm is that it typically develops in patients without any warning signs or symptoms. Many people who suffer from blepharospasm, say that it starts out as an increase in blinking or eye irritation and then progresses into more frequent blinking or eye spasms.

How Is It Diagnosed?

Although it can seem easy to do a self-diagnosis these days with so much information so readily available online, the best way for you to be diagnosed with blepharospasm is a physical and neurological evaluation.

How Is It Treated?

Treatment for blepharospasm may be surprising to a lot of people, but it is most effectively treated with either Botox or Xeomin injections. By injecting botulinum toxin (Botox or Xeomin) into the affected muscles around the eye, it works to temporarily relax the muscles which prevent them from constricting. On average, these injections last about 3-4 months and are typically covered by insurance.

With the proper diagnosis and treatment, blepharospasm doesn’t have to be a life-changing condition. If you suffer from blepharospasm and would like to learn more about how Dr. Kristin Tarbet can treat it, contact our Bellevue office today!