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Can Eye Cream help Ptosis

Posted on: Feb 15, 2017

If you stroll down the aisles of your local pharmacy, you may notice that it seems like there’s a cream to treat virtually any and all types of ailments. Wrinkles? There’s a cream for that. Hemorrhoids? There’s a cream for that. A sprained ankle? There’s a cream for that. However, although there are creams that can help to make you feel better, there are some things that require more than a cream alone. When it comes to Ptosis, is an eye cream enough or do you need surgery? Read on to learn more.

What Is Ptosis?

Ptosis is a condition that tends to afflict elderly patients, but in rare cases, it can affect young children as well. By causing the muscle in your eyelid to become weak, ptosis causes your eyelids to droop, which can cause everyday tasks like reading or putting on eye makeup to become a lot more difficult.

Does Eye Cream Work?

To be honest, eye cream alone is not going to fix ptosis. If there is an eye cream out there that claims that it can lift the skin around your eyes and help you to see better again, it’s making false claims. Because ptosis causes such serious sagging around the eyelid, cream alone isn’t going to be able to deliver you with results. In fact, the only real way to get rid of your ptosis is through getting a surgical procedure to help restore the functionality of the levator muscle in the upper eyelid.

What Does Surgery Entail?

With years of experience, Dr. Kristin Tarbet can get rid of your ptosis with a relatively minor surgery. By making incisions on the natural crease of your upper eyelid, Dr. Kristin Tarbet will work to restore the levator muscle to help lift your eyelid. Once the muscle is repaired, and the functionality is restored, you will be sent off to recovery.

Although it would be good if there were a magical cream that would make your ptosis go away, that simply is not the case. To learn more about ptosis or to schedule a consultation with Dr. Kristin Tarbet, contact our office today!