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Go Into Summer Hair Free and Confident: Do’s and Don’ts of Laser Hair Removal

Posted on: Jun 15, 2018

It’s finally here: the warm summer months that everyone craves when they are tucked inside all winter long. And although plans to hang outside with friends and family sound like more than a good time, if your skin and body aren’t in the best shape you may feel like calling winter back for a few more months. If you are self-conscious about your body hair and want to skip the daily hassle of having to shave, then Dr. Kristin Tarbet has got you covered with laser hair removal. To help you prepare for your first session, we have created a brief list of do’s and don’ts.

Do: Keep Your Skin Clean

Before you come to your appointment, we encourage our patients to at least rinse off in the shower. Cleaning your body beforehand will help get rid of excess oil and dirt. If you are coming to your appointment straight from the gym, we can wipe down your skin and sanitize it before your session starts.

Don’t: Wax

If you avid waxer and have been doing it practically your whole life, this tip may be a bit tricky, but it’s a must before your laser session. Because waxing interrupts the hair follicle, it will make it harder for the laser to target it and may even make it less effective.

Do: Shave

Unlike waxing that disrupts the hair follicle, shaving keeps it intact and is recommended before each laser session. Shaving is a great way to get rid of hair and prevent burns during your session.

Do: Exfoliate

Getting rid of dry, dead skin across your body is something we encourage or patient to do before laser, but it isn’t necessary. If you are prone to ingrown hairs, we may recommend exfoliating a little more because it will help free any ingrown hairs and make it easier for us to target them with a laser.

Don’t: Tweeze

Similar to waxing, make sure that you back away from the tweezers before your laser session. Because tweezing involves plucking hair directly from the hair follicle, it can make it difficult— if not impossible— for us to target your hair with the laser.

Schedule a Consultation

Get your skin in the best, hair-free shape possible with laser hair removal. Schedule your consultation with Dr. Kristin Tarbet at our Bellevue office and call: 425-455-2131.